Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Interns at the Villa

Back in May we were lucky to have 2 amazing highschoolers working with us.  They'd come initially on a field trip and decided they wanted to do their senior project here, so they came back for the month of May and contributed loads of hard work and enthusiasm doing everything from processing tons of material for plasters and earthen mixes, building compost, putting irrigation in the garden, pouring a floor (along with their moms who came for a day too!), shelling fava beans... a lot was done for sure.  Thanks Cora and Hailey!   Here is a sampling of pages out of the book they put together for their presentation at school: 

And the really awesome thing is they liked us enough to come back! So we get to have them around helping out some this summer too.  


  1. I wish my high school had allowed projects like that! How cool that they get hands on experience!

  2. It's because you are all teachers in the best sense of the word

  3. Wow, those high schoolers seem super cool, I want to be friends with people like that!
