Sunday, July 26, 2009

Natural Building Workshop at the Villa

Another successful workshop here at the Villa has just come to a close. We had twelve amazingly wonderful people here for the last week taking part in a hands on natural building workshop, taught by Massey and myself (Sasha). We made great progress on three different small mostly earthen structures in our back yard. This workshop group was very dedicated and got the award for the the most on-time group ever. The group was diverse in origin with people originally from Venezuela, Greece, Czech Republic, Canada, and all throughout the US. Other than occasional smiling and nodding, we all (mostly) managed to communicate.
The workshop focused on earthen building, and we managed to cover an amazingly large array of techniques. In Sasha's pod we came close to finishing the cob, did the first layer of earthen plaster on the walls, and poured the first layer of earthen floor. In Massey's pod we started with some heavy straw clay, some simple bamboo, clay wattle, and a small strawbale wall topped with light straw clay. An earth bag foundation was done on Trilbys pod.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


July 20-25: Natural Building Intensive. Massey and Sasha are teaming up to teach a week long workshop that will be full of hands-on experience and information on different natural wall systems such as cob, strawbale, slip straw and wattle and daub, and will cover the process of building starting from design and site analysis, to alternative foundations and finishing touches.  Great for folks in building trades and those simply interested who want to gain more experience and knowledge. This course is being offered through the Solar Living Institute.  Contact Sasha (at) with questions and to sign up, or visit the SLI website:  Tuition:  $350.  Spread the word if you know of folks who might be interested!